Drive sales in style

3 mobile phones showing profiles of themselves, text, buttons.
Choose a pre-designed theme. Then style it and change the colors to suit you, your brand or your company.
Get started
3 mobile phones with profiles and buttons on it. Different buttons have different actions.

Share what you want

  • Add contact details in a digital business card
  • Introduce yourself or business with an "About" button
  • Include links to any URL
  • Embed YouTube videos and PDFs
  • Integrate Google my business and location links
  • Connect your website, online store, and social media platforms

Captivate your audience

A purple mobile phone with social media, call, email, message, shop icons floating around it.
Whether it's showing you, your company, or the passion behind your products or services, images help tell your story in a visually engaging way. Add to your background or buttons!
A mobile phone with an image of a guy, social media and buttons, with a big YouTube video icon and the word subscribe.

Engage through video

Introduce your products, services, your team, showcase your company culture, or share testimonials. With video, you have the power to capture attention and really connect with your audience.

Share anywhere, anytime.

A mobile phone popping up on screen followed by a QR code, bottles and a car, all with QR codes branded onto them.
Customers can scan your page using your QR Code on your phone, receive it via text, email, social media – No app required
Get started
A lady pointing to a URL with 2 images of an email signature and a Instagram page with the same URL

Sell online

Drive customers to your page! Add your link to your email signature, invoices, social media bio's and everywhere online you are.

Sell at events

4 images of event promotional products ith QR codes on them and a guy that is excited.
Use it on banners, posters, presentations and event materials to capture attention and encourage engagement. Attendees can easily scan, instantly accessing your information. Whether it's a trade show, conference, or seminar, mypage becomes your instant connection to potential customers!

Instantly share anywhere

Get started