
Bottom menu explained

What are all the buttons on the bottom of mypage?
Simon Pollock
2 min
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What do all the buttons on the bottom of mypage do?

Good question! That's exactly how you Share & Connect.

When you're logged in, you will see a "share" button at the bottom, for quick access!


This is the way you or anyone else can share it. Firstly, you can scan the QR code for in-person sharing, secondly you can send your unique link via text, email, WhatsApp, social media or Airdrop. Anyone can receive it, no app required. Thirdly, you can copy the link and add it just about anywhere you like.

A button shape with text

Then, when you're signed out, or what the user who visits your page will see, is a different set of buttons at the bottom.

A strip with a button shape with text inside and text on either end.

What are these? 


This allows the person visiting your page the opportunity to quickly reach out by email. A simple form with their name, email, number, and a message. After they've filled in the form and hit send, you can expect an email coming your way.

'Save contact'

This allows the user visiting your page to add you as a contact onto their device. Quick and easy!


Same as above, the way you or anyone else can share your page.

Pro Tip: Add your QR code to your videos, email signature, presentations, PDF’s & everywhere you are online. Not online? Showcase your business with a QR code on your packaging, brochures, flyers, posters or any advertisements you like.

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