
Thinking of joining a startup?

So you’ve heard and seen the startup craze. You’ve either come up with an idea of your own, you’re running one with a mate or you’ve seen someone post they need help with theirs. Why not join a startup?
James Schulze
4 min
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So you’ve heard and seen the startup craze?

You’ve either come up with an idea of your own, you’re running one with a mate, or you’ve seen someone advertise they need help with theirs. Why not join a startup?

Few things to consider before jumping aboard:

  • Can you work in an unorganized, chaotic environment while working towards putting some structure in place?
  • How much do you know about the founders and the company? Do you “fit” into the company? Do you believe in the product or service or just jumping into the first opportunity you see?
  • Does the startup have investors and/or money to pay you?
  • Are you prepared to work odd hours, to deadlines, or do what is needed, when it is needed?
  • Can you keep growing in your career while pursuing a job in this startup?
  • The founders and their beliefs and how they work, is the company culture. The founders set the rules and expectations. Do you understand your role and responsibilities?

Now big tech companies, movies and series portray a side of a startup that’s very enticing and exciting, but when it comes down to it, what is the job? What is the position? and what value, will not only the company bring you, but what will you bring to the company?

When you’ve gone through some of these questions, you feel comfortable everything aligns, you’re the right fit for the company, and it only makes sense to move forward, well then…

...there’s no doubt that there’s definitely an entrepreneurial spirit and sense of excitement working in a startup and growing with a company to achieve its vision.

You can expect to not only grow with the company, but also to grow your own skills and experience. Some startups grow into companies which change an entire industry. Some become industry leaders of their own. "Team" is a big word in a company! Working in a team environment and a collaborative environment, being part of that excitement and reaching your company goals, and small wins along the way. Will it be easy? Definitely not, but nothing worth it, ever is. A startup can bring lifelong and meaningful relationships, and every individual has their part to play. Can you play your part?

Great opportunities can bring great rewards. You may even find yourself with a stake in the company. You may find that purpose you’ve been lacking in your career thus far.

Ultimately, working in a startup can be incredibly rewarding, but you’ll have to take the risk with you, along for the ride.

Visit our website to see our journey.

Here’s some top books to add to your list of must reads:

“The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries

“Founders at Work” by Jessica Livingston

“The Hard Thing About Hard Things” by Ben Horowitz

“Zero to One” by Peter Thiel

“The Startup Owner’s Manual” by Steve Blank

“Who” by Joff Smart

“Rework” by Jason Fried

“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey

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